Saturday, October 24, 2009

Lots of Updates and Storytime!

Updates: The mag is now going to be bi-monthly until further notice, so we are currently working on our October/November issue. Also, I am now writing a movie review for Whip It! which I'm excited about. Getting to write about what you like is always a good thing. The mag should go to print by the end of the coming week. I'm thrilled, because I finally get to see a hard copy of the first issue that I was on the staff for.

Storytime: Yesterday Tricia (the Editor-in-Chief) and I went to a Jukebox the Ghost show in Baltimore, MD. I made us leave ridiculously early (we left at 2 pm for a 7:30 pm interview!), because I knew traffic would be terrible. It was. It took us until after 6 pm to get there. But the entire trip was worth it. The band was so nice, we got an excellent interview, the show was great overall (some technical aspects of sound were not great), and I now have a signed poster on my wall. :) Ironically, the drive home only took us 1 hour, 20 mins. Look for the article on the show and interview in our December/January issue!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Done with October (almost)

I just turned in my final story for the October issue! I reviewed a Green Boys show, a Regina Spektor concert, and Regina Spektor's new album. My editor gave me great feedback on the Green Boys article, so I'm assuming everything else is up to par. I'm really grateful to a) have a journalism job to begin with and b) be able to write about bands/topics that I like. Can't get better than that.

Well, the magazine still needs to be assembled--I'm not sure what its current status is--but I'm going to help as needed. I'll probably look over the layout, but I think things are mostly out of my hands from this point on. I can't wait to see the finished product.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

First Post!

This is the first of hopefully many posts on my new blog. I've decided to chronicle my recent foray into journalism. I've been writing as long as I've known the alphabet, and have published poems, short stories, etc, but this is my first experience with journalism. Wish me luck and check back in the future!